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  2. Project Zomboid
  3. The Den of Nod [PVE/MODs/NA]
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The Den of Nod [PVE/MODs/NA]

Player count
497 km
United States
7 Days: 99%, 30 Days: 100%
Downtime History
Hopewell, KY;Westoutskirts-ship
Password Protected
Server Description

🔺 **Urgent Directive: Establishment of Nod Command Center in the Red Zone** 🔺\n \n In the shadow of apocalypse, as the undead scourge ravages the remnants of civilization, the Brotherhood of Nod emerges as the beacon of hope and order. Led by the prophetic wisdom of Kane, we are called upon to purify and commandeer the Red Zone, forging it into a citadel of enlightenment and power. Behold the pillars of our sacred mission:\n \n - **Territorial Reconquest**:\n Raven Creek, Fort Knox, Erie Country—key territories in the grand strategy to manifest Nod's dominion.\n \n - **Ascension Through Knowledge**:\n Experience gains at 2.5x, sculpting the elite vanguard of Nod's disciples.\n \n - **Blessing of Resources**:\n By Kane's ingenuity, Specter teams secure essential power and water for 90 days, with divine replenishment every 30 days.\n \n - **Arsenal of the Faithful**:\n Wield advanced weaponry, gifts from the GunFighter and Brita mods, to vanquish foes and undead alike.\n \n - **Machines of War**:\n Deploy KI5 vehicles, the iron fist of Nod's technological might.\n \n - **Veil of Secrecy**:\n Utilize the SecretZ mod to move unseen, striking silently in the name of our cause.\n \n - **Fortresses of Salvation**:\n Erect unassailable strongholds with cutting-edge building mods, each a testament to Nod's imperishable spirit.\n \n - **Kane's Chosen Lifestyle**:\n Through lifestyle mods, thrive in the chaos, building a society that mirrors Nod's grand vision.\n \n - **Havens of the Elect**:\n Secure safehouses as sanctuaries from the profane, shielded for seven days in Kane's grace.\n \n - **Legacy of Knowledge**:\n Craft Skill Recovery Journals to resurrect 70% of our hallowed wisdom after death, a beacon of our undying faith.\n \n - **Crusade Against the Undead**:\n Purify the land with relentless zeal, facing the undead menace with strategic foresight for rare sprinter encounters.\n \n 🔺 **This is a sanctuary of PvE resilience, where the faithful gather to advance the cause of Nod without fear of betrayal from within. Cheaters, griefers, and those who would sow discord among our ranks are enemies of the state, to be expelled without mercy. In this sacred endeavor, every transgression against the brotherhood is a transgression against Kane himself, and will be met with swift justice.**\n \n 🔺 **As the world teeters on the brink of oblivion, the Brotherhood of Nod stands as the final bastion of hope and order. Guided by the undying vision of Kane, our mission is a divine crusade to sanctify the earth, to erect a stronghold for the enlightened, and to spread the gospel of Nod across the desolate lands. Brothers and sisters, unite under the banner of our prophet. For the glory of Nod, for the birth of a new era, for Kane!**

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Server Mods

Arsenal(26)GunFighter[MAIN MOD 2.0], zReBetterLockpickingLYSLP, zReBetterLockpicking, PLLoot_Patch, PLLoot, PLLootG_Patch, PLLootG

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Cools1988 joined the game
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Cools105 6 left the game
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Server responded to query
Cools105 6 joined the game
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
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Zaerro joined the game

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