[UK/EU]Retro-rust Vanilla Max 6 Full WIPED 3/6 15 days ago
- Rank
- #11705
- Player count
- 0/200
- Address
- Status
- dead
- Distance
- 5919 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Average FPS
- 111.83
- Last Wipe
- Unknown
- False
- Website
- https://illumanti-rust.xyz
- Official Server
- False
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Map Information
Welcome to Retro-rust.com servers! >> Great plugins, great community and active admins! << Main Features: >> 1X gather, components, smelt and crafting >> Anty cheat >> Anty teaming ------------------------------ Max 6 only, larger groups will be instantly banned Group limits are closely monitored and enforced We have staff online 24/7 to ensure you have the best experience Our admins do not play and are highly trained to deal with any issues This server wipes once a week: >> FULL WIPE ON Tuesdays @ 5 PM CET >> The last wipe was on Thursday 3/6 The next wipe will be on Thursday 10/6 (7 day wipe schedule) (BP wiped Thursday 3/6) We are currently looking for Chat Moderators and Admins: >>> Apply @ Retro-rust.com/discord Like our server? Consider donating and receive rewards in-game! >>> Our Store: Retro-rust.com/store Rewards include - Queue Skip | VIP Chat Tag | And much more! This server supports http://just-wiped.net
Server Information
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Server Statistics
Active players
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