Blood Rust - Red [duo, x2]
- Rank
- #120
- Player count
- 88/200
- Address
- (Game Port) (Query Port) - Status
- online
- Distance
- 7829 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Average FPS
- 54.98
- Last Wipe
- -
- False
- Website
- Official Server
- False
саня joined the game
VERTY joined the game
fast left the game
папа гетто left the game
Server responded to query
Drova1990 joined the game
savelijlegotin RUSTBOX joined the game
Миха777 joined the game
TEXAS | тетя Joe joined the game
lawandosik12 joined the game
Спанч боб joined the game
Ra2zor left the game
СВИНОЛОВ#bloodrust left the game
liznevdanil left the game
-mav- ♡H left the game
БОБИИ #BLOODRUST left the game
Server responded to query
папа гетто joined the game
MDMA joined the game
Twitch SIREBANI left the game
НЕ ВОРОВКА#bloodrust left the game
123 left the game
Y0nk14 left the game
Server responded to query
soda joined the game
These settings are automatically detected based on historical information and the server's description.
If this is your server you can generate a server tag to show your settings and wipe schedule here.
- Next Wipe
- - Unknown Wipe
- Group Limit
- 2
- Team UI Limit
- 2
- Blueprints
- Enabled
- Kits
- No Kits
- Decay
- 100.00%
- Upkeep
- 100.00%
- Rates
- Gather: 2x, Craft: Instant, Component: 2x, Scrap: 2x
- Wipe Schedule
- This server does not observe force wipe.
- Unknown wipe every week at 10:00 AM (Europe/London) on Saturday.
Upcoming Wipes
Map Information
ProceduralEntity Count
- Organization Page
- Website
- Discord
- Group
- Telegram