- Rank
- #1671
- Player count
- 0/100
- Address
- Status
- offline
- Distance
- 9584 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Average FPS
- 46.95
- Last Wipe
- -
- False
- Website
- https://real.gamestores.app
- Official Server
- False
These settings are automatically detected based on historical information and the server's description.
If this is your server you can generate a server tag to show your settings and wipe schedule here.
- Next Wipe
- - Unknown Wipe
- Group Limit
- None
- Team UI Limit
- None
- Blueprints
- Enabled
- Kits
- Kits Available
- Decay
- 100.00%
- Upkeep
- 100.00%
- Rates
- 1x
- Wipe Schedule
- This server wipes on force wipe. Wipe type is unknown.
- Unknown wipe at 8:00 AM (Asia/Shanghai) on the 3rd, and 5th Thursday of the month.
Upcoming Wipes
Map Information
●Медленное гниение 14 дней ●Защита от рейдов ночью ●X2 добыча на ресурсы и компоненты ●3 стартовых набора /kit food, starter, home ●Печки в 2.5 раза быстрее ●Голосование за пропуск ночи ●Удаление только своих построек ●Моментальный крафт ●Телепорт к игрокам по запросу и домой ●Система друзей с отключением урона ●Стаки до 50 тысяч на ресурсы
Server Information
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Server Statistics
Active players
Name | Play time |