12/16 Viking Republic 2X - Loot+|Kits|TP|Insta|Remove|qSmelt
- Rank
- #9521
- Player count
- 0/250
- Address
- 2x.vikingrepublic.ca:28015
- Status
- dead
- Distance
- 1873 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Average FPS
- 62.6
- Last Wipe
- -
- False
- Website
- https://www.vikingrepublic.ca
- Official Server
- False
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Map Information
Welcome to MikeTheVike's 2X server. A perfect blend of modded and vanilla elements. MAP WIPES: Every Thursday @ 4pm EST. BLUEPRINT WIPES: First Thursday of every month @ Force wipe. VIP: store.vikingrepublic.ca SERVER CONFIG: - 2X gather rate. - 2X smelt & recycler speeds. Instant craft. - 2X scrap. Better loot. - 60 minutes day. 5 minutes night. - Cleaned up loot tables, less junk items. - Tier 1 electronic BPs and other clutter items unlocked by default. - 12 player group limit. - Teleport (with raid and combat block). - Remove tool. - Kits. - Clan shared blueprints. - Auto authorization for clans.
Server Information
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Server Statistics
Active players
Name | Play time |