Atlas - US 10x | No BPs | Kits | Shop
- Rank
- #4
- Player count
- 100/150
- Address
- (Game Port) (Query Port) - Status
- online
- Distance
- 1873 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Average FPS
- 49.9
- Last Wipe
- -
- False
- Website
- Official Server
- False
[b00bs] In Your Core joined the game
B3nasN left the game
Mmmm I'm Trash joined the game
Johnny's joined the game
ঔৣ☬✞p34c3✞☬ঔৣ joined the game
LOLZ left the game
[ROS] DrakyV joined the game
Connor :) joined the game
ervig0 left the game
[REMOVE] Jerry54088 left the game
Rocket GG/ATLASRUST joined the game
galaxy joined the game
Ulquiorra#GGRust left the game
[F99] shipa36 #AZOTIK joined the game
Bo5l left the game
zaichik ) joined the game
Server responded to query
LEMAX |Slazl1k joined the game
ervig0 joined the game
21 Savage joined the game
Ulquiorra#GGRust joined the game
5-5c left the game
thing 2 left the game
Kodez joined the game
AbdulKeban joined the game
These settings are automatically detected based on historical information and the server's description.
If this is your server you can generate a server tag to show your settings and wipe schedule here.
- Next Wipe
- - Map Wipe
- Group Limit
- None
- Team UI Limit
- None
- Blueprints
- Disabled
- Kits
- Kits Available
- Decay
- 100.00%
- Upkeep
- 100.00%
- Rates
- 10x
- Wipe Schedule
- Map wipe on force wipe.
- Map wipe every week at 5:00 PM (America/New_York) on Monday, and Friday.
Upcoming Wipes
Map Information
Atlas Custom MapEntity Count
Atlas Rust Servers | Made for the most competitive Wipe times 5:00 PM EST Monday 5:00 PM EST Friday Links • • Features • 10X Gather • 15X Sulfur • 10X Loot (removed junk) • Custom events • Boosted Custom Kits 24 Hour Discord Staff Support
- Organization Page
- Store
- Website
- Discord
- Link Account
- Leaderboards
- Youtube