[US] RustElevated.com 10x | No BPs | Skins/MyMini/BGrade
- Rank
- #14469
- Player count
- 0/50
- Address
- (Game Port) (Query Port) - Status
- dead
- Distance
- 950 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Average FPS
- 52.83
- Last Wipe
- -
- False
- Website
- https://rustelevated.com
- Official Server
- False
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Map Information
No P2W. No Kits. Link your Steam & Discord accounts for FREE Skins at RustElevated.com & Premium / VIP / Elite Memberships available in Discord. ♦ Custom Generated Maps w/Shorter Nights ♦ All Monuments + Above Ground Trains ♦ Merged Outpost / Bandit Camp ♦ Map Size: 3700 | Max Group Size: 8 ♦ Map Wipes Weekly on Thursdays @ 2:00PM CST ♦ MyMini (/mymini | /nomini | /fmini) ♦ BGrade (/bgrade 1, 2, 3, or 4 to Auto-Upgrade Building Material) ♦ Remover Tool ♦ 10x Resource, Components & Scrap ♦ All Monuments + Above Ground Trains ♦ Skinner (Set crafting skins, skin inventory & already deployed items) ♦ Raid Alarm: Alerts you via Rust+ when your base is damaged ♦ Raidable Bases, Junkyard & Armored Train Events ♦ Junk loot removed from barrels, boxes & crates ♦ Building Workbench (Workbench Radius Extended) ♦ Instant Crafting, Mixing Tables & Quick Smelt ♦ Random Spawns & Respawns (no more stuck on the beach) ♦ Extra Recyclers & Faster Recycling Times ♦ Auto Turret Authorization for TC users ♦ Your own SAM's won't shoot at you ♦ Clans REBORN premium plugin (/clanhelp) ♦ Powerful Servers & DDoS Protection
Server Information
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Server Statistics
Active players
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