#3 BroRust X50/X100|G WIPE 15.02|MAX5|NoBP|Loot+|Copter
- Rank
- #17
- Player count
- 381/420
- Address
- s3.brorust.com:28015 (Game Port)
s3.brorust.com:30000 (Query Port) - Status
- online
- Distance
- 7830 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Average FPS
- 60
- Last Wipe
- -
- False
- Website
- https://brorust.com
- Official Server
- False
NeVomsik_ joined the game
[SUR] ПИКАЧУ joined the game
metolikewi3rd left the game
kawasaki left the game
FanaticKrasnodar left the game
xpomoff left the game
no reason ? joined the game
Samurai left the game
XAMSTER Криминал left the game
sin maminoi podrugi left the game
RAPER_GANS left the game
nnl.HeadHunter joined the game
НАГИБАТОР666 joined the game
_Xlazyall joined the game
v ᠌potoke 彼女のために joined the game
HighHills joined the game
Писькогрызка left the game
джон гарик joined the game
HAZMAT joined the game
Exaliz left the game
AORUS joined the game
꧂, , joined the game
КАМЕННЫЙ Китаец joined the game
mxva joined the game
SwegNyashka_ joined the game
- Next Wipe
- - Map Wipe
- Group Limit
- 5
- Team UI Limit
- 5
- Blueprints
- Disabled
- Kits
- Kits Available
- Decay
- 500.00%
- Upkeep
- 500.00%
- Rates
- 50x
- Wipe Schedule
- Full wipe on force wipe.
- Map wipe every week at 12:00 PM (Europe/Moscow) on Saturday.
- Map wipe every week at 1:00 PM (Europe/Moscow) on Tuesday.
Upcoming Wipes
Map Information
BroRust Procedural MapEntity Count
У нас нет лагов - Best Hardware! Приватный AntiCheat! BroRust #3 X50/X100 | MAX5 | GLOBAL WIPE 15.02 | NoBPs Добавь в ник BroRust и получи /kit daily и 50 рублей бонуса! Можно играть с Bloody и X7(без макросов) Ресурсы X50/X100 (X50/X100 RATES), Лут X10/X20 (LOOT X10/X20) Не нужны верстаки (NO WORKBENCH), Не нужны карты (NO RT PUZZLES)! Copter - коптеры спавнятся на дорогах как раньше Сайт: BroRust.com Группа VK: vk.com/brorustsrv Discord: Dc.BroRust.com Telegram: t.me/brorust Steam: Steam.BroRust.com
- Organization Page
- Storehttps://brorust.com
- Discordhttps://dc.brorust.com
- Support in Discordhttps://dc.brorust.com
- Telegramhttps://t.me/brorust