Miaka's Realm - PvE
- Rank
- #11910
- Player count
- 0/20
- Address
- Status
- online
- Distance
- 13851 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Average FPS
- 5
- Last Wipe
- -
- False
- Website
- http://rust.millarsoft.co.nz
- Official Server
- False
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Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
- Next Wipe
- - Map Wipe
- Group Limit
- None
- Team UI Limit
- None
- Blueprints
- Enabled
- Kits
- No Kits
- Decay
- 100.00%
- Upkeep
- 100.00%
- Rates
- 1x
- Wipe Schedule
- Full wipe on force wipe.
- Map wipe at 9:00 AM (Pacific/Auckland) on the 3rd, and 5th Friday of the month.
Upcoming Wipes
Map Information
Custom Map - Abandoned IslandEntity Count
* Last wipe : 20-Sep-2024 | Forced Wipe : 4-Oct-2024 * Blueprints wiped on a forced wipe (monthly) * Custom Map - Abandoned Island - Size 4250 * Now with Raidable Bases, Harbor & Water Events and Armored Trains * PVE - No PvP combat or raiding other players * Extra NPCs guarding loot and around the map to keep you alert * Low building upkeep cost - so build BIG * Use /info for more server info * Play nice or you WILL be banned
Server Information
Is this your server? Claim your server to display additional information here and gain access to our admin tools.
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7 day free trial. No payment information required for trial.
Server Statistics
Active players
Name | Play time |