- Rank
- #1
- Player count
- 25/100
- Address
- (Game Port) (Query Port) - Status
- online
- Distance
- 350 km
- Country
- Uptime
dusann_46 left the game
Robbo left the game
struvefs joined the game
无梦为安. joined the game
Smoggless joined the game
Sniperooo123 joined the game
DOM.03 left the game
Tiger_konfietka left the game
dusann_46 joined the game
Server responded to query
Maka_ofischl joined the game
lodek1 joined the game
1Nando_Moura joined the game
Felipe_Marck ⟨🌴⟩ joined the game
CaracolCumbiero2 left the game
Server responded to query
Eviltower left the game
monguSッ left the game
Eviltower joined the game
Server responded to query
Stray Dawg joined the game
Robbo joined the game
Tiger_konfietka joined the game
DOM.03 joined the game
Server responded to query
- Organization Page
- Ban Appeals:
Welcome to SoulSniper's Soldiers of Fortune. Keep it light, have fun, and be good to each other!
- Welcome new players and help them learn how to play the game.
- Commander must use voice or text chat. Squad Leads are strongly encouraged to do the same. English only.
- No toxic behavior (trolling, griefing, harassment, bullying, hate speech, etc.).
- No political or religious discussion or references. Keep these views to yourself while on our servers. This goes for usernames and clan tags as well. You may be asked to change them.
- No Nazi glorification or role-play, goes for usernames and clan tags as well.
- No squad baiting.
- Malicious team killing is prohibited. Retaliatory team killing is also prohibited.
- Spawns are placed by players. As such, we have no rule against spawn camping. Spawn elsewhere or help build a new spawn.
- No solo tanking in a locked squad and only one tank per armor squad. Also, do not solo Medium or Heavy tanks, even in an unlocked squad.
- No solo recon squads, unless you are waiting on a friend, let people know please (5 minute grace period).
- Cheating is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in a PERMANENT BAN.
SEEDING RULES (If less than 25 vs 25 players):
- Only fight over the middle sector.
- No armor, artillery, or AT guns.
- Don't go past or destroy structures beyond the middle sector.
- Bombing runs and strafing runs are only allowed in the middle sector.
In all cases admins reserve the right to determine what constitutes inappropriate conduct on a case by case basis. An offending player may or may not be warned before being kicked and/or banned.
Bans may be appealed by submitting a ban appeal ticket in our discord: