💀 MUTINY 💀 DarkRP #1 Hiring🔥Purge🔫M9K💸Drugs💊Gambling💰
- Rank
- #3
- Player count
- 65/128
- Address
- Status
- online
- Distance
- 5924 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Map
- rp_downtown_tits_v2
- Game Mode
- darkrp
- Password Protected
- False
Setting | Value |
ai_disabled | 0 |
ai_ignoreplayers | 0 |
coop | 0 |
cuffs_allowbreakout | 1 |
DavyCrocketAdminOnly | 0 |
DavyCrockettAllowed | 1 |
daynight_enabled | 1 |
daynight_log | 0 |
daynight_paused | 0 |
daynight_realtime | 0 |
deathmatch | 1 |
decalfrequency | 0 |
kidnapmod_antispam_timer | 600 |
kidnapmod_knockout_time | 30 |
M9KAmmoDetonation | 1 |
M9KClientGasDisable | 1 |
M9KDamageMultiplier | 1 |
M9KDefaultClip | -1 |
M9KDisablePenetration | 0 |
M9KDynamicRecoil | 1 |
M9KExplosiveNerveGas | 1 |
M9KUniqueSlots | 1 |
M9KWeaponStrip | 0 |
M9K_Davy_Crockett_Timer | 3 |
mediaplayer_allow_webpages | 0 |
mp_allowNPCs | 1 |
mp_autocrosshair | 1 |
mp_fadetoblack | 0 |
mp_falldamage | 0 |
mp_flashlight | 1 |
mp_footsteps | 1 |
mp_forcerespawn | 1 |
mp_fraglimit | 0 |
mp_friendlyfire | 0 |
mp_teamlist | hgrunt;scientist |
mp_teamplay | 0 |
mp_timelimit | 0 |
mp_weaponstay | 0 |
nextlevel | |
OrbitalStrikeAdminOnly | 0 |
physgun_limited | 0 |
physgun_maxrange | 4096 |
r_AirboatViewDampenDamp | 1.0 |
r_AirboatViewDampenFreq | 7.0 |
r_AirboatViewZHeight | 0.0 |
r_JeepViewDampenDamp | 1.0 |
r_JeepViewDampenFreq | 7.0 |
r_JeepViewZHeight | 10.0 |
r_VehicleViewDampen | 0 |
sbox_bonemanip_misc | 0 |
sbox_bonemanip_npc | 1 |
sbox_bonemanip_player | 0 |
sbox_godmode | 0 |
sbox_maxballoons | 0 |
sbox_maxbuttons | 10 |
sbox_maxcameras | 10 |
sbox_maxdynamite | 0 |
sbox_maxeffects | 0 |
sbox_maxemitters | 0 |
sbox_maxhoverballs | 0 |
sbox_maxlamps | 0 |
sbox_maxlights | 5 |
sbox_maxnpcs | 10 |
sbox_maxprops | 250 |
sbox_maxragdolls | 0 |
sbox_maxsents | 20 |
sbox_maxtextscreens | 3 |
sbox_maxthrusters | 0 |
sbox_maxvehicles | 20 |
sbox_maxwheels | 0 |
sbox_noclip | 0 |
sbox_persist | |
sbox_playershurtplayers | 1 |
sbox_weapons | 1 |
sensor_debugragdoll | 0 |
sensor_stretchragdoll | 0 |
ss_enable_rainbow | 1 |
ss_max_characters | 0 |
stacker_delay | 0.500000 |
stacker_force_freeze | 1 |
stacker_force_nocollide | 0 |
stacker_force_weld | 0 |
stacker_improved_force_freeze | 1 |
stacker_improved_force_nocollide | 0 |
stacker_improved_force_stayinworld | 1 |
stacker_improved_force_weld | 0 |
stacker_max_count | 1 |
stacker_max_offsetx | 200 |
stacker_max_offsety | 200 |
stacker_max_offsetz | 200 |
stacker_max_total | -1 |
stacker_stayinworld | 1 |
sv_accelerate | 10 |
sv_airaccelerate | 1000 |
sv_ak47distantsound | 1 |
sv_allowcslua | 0 |
sv_alltalk | 0 |
sv_bounce | 0 |
sv_cheats | 0 |
sv_contact | |
sv_footsteps | 1 |
sv_friction | 8 |
sv_gravity | 600 |
sv_hl2mp_item_respawn_time | 30 |
sv_hl2mp_weapon_respawn_time | 20 |
sv_m4distantsound | 1 |
sv_maxspeed | 10000 |
sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks | 24 |
sv_noclipaccelerate | 5 |
sv_noclipspeed | 5 |
sv_password | 0 |
sv_pausable | 0 |
sv_report_client_settings | 0 |
sv_rollangle | 0 |
sv_rollspeed | 200 |
sv_specaccelerate | 5 |
sv_specnoclip | 1 |
sv_specspeed | 3 |
sv_steamgroup | |
sv_stepsize | 18 |
sv_stopspeed | 10 |
sv_voiceenable | 1 |
sv_wateraccelerate | 10 |
sv_waterfriction | 1 |
toolmode_allow_advdupe2 | 1 |
toolmode_allow_advmat | 1 |
toolmode_allow_axis | 1 |
toolmode_allow_balloon | 1 |
toolmode_allow_ballsocket | 1 |
toolmode_allow_bkeypads | 1 |
toolmode_allow_bkeypads_admin_tool | 1 |
toolmode_allow_bkeypads_breaker | 1 |
toolmode_allow_bkeypads_fading_door | 1 |
toolmode_allow_bkeypads_linker | 1 |
toolmode_allow_bkeypads_persistence | 1 |
toolmode_allow_bricks_server_entityplacer | 1 |
toolmode_allow_bricks_server_npcs | 1 |
toolmode_allow_bricks_server_territory_placer | 1 |
toolmode_allow_button | 1 |
toolmode_allow_camera | 1 |
toolmode_allow_colour | 1 |
toolmode_allow_creator | 1 |
toolmode_allow_duplicator | 1 |
toolmode_allow_dynamite | 1 |
toolmode_allow_editentity | 1 |
toolmode_allow_elastic | 1 |
toolmode_allow_emitter | 1 |
toolmode_allow_example | 1 |
toolmode_allow_eyeposer | 1 |
toolmode_allow_faceposer | 1 |
toolmode_allow_finger | 1 |
toolmode_allow_hoverball | 1 |
toolmode_allow_hydraulic | 1 |
toolmode_allow_inflator | 1 |
toolmode_allow_lamp | 1 |
toolmode_allow_leafblower | 1 |
toolmode_allow_light | 1 |
toolmode_allow_material | 1 |
toolmode_allow_motor | 1 |
toolmode_allow_muscle | 1 |
toolmode_allow_nocollide | 1 |
toolmode_allow_paint | 1 |
toolmode_allow_pcasino_creator | 1 |
toolmode_allow_permaprops | 1 |
toolmode_allow_physprop | 1 |
toolmode_allow_precision | 1 |
toolmode_allow_pulley | 1 |
toolmode_allow_pvault | 1 |
toolmode_allow_rb655_lightsaber | 1 |
toolmode_allow_remover | 1 |
toolmode_allow_rope | 1 |
toolmode_allow_shadowremover | 1 |
toolmode_allow_shareprops | 1 |
toolmode_allow_slider | 1 |
toolmode_allow_spawns | 1 |
toolmode_allow_stacker_improved | 1 |
toolmode_allow_tarenaarenas | 1 |
toolmode_allow_textscreen | 1 |
toolmode_allow_thruster | 1 |
toolmode_allow_trails | 1 |
toolmode_allow_weld | 1 |
toolmode_allow_wheel | 1 |
toolmode_allow_winch | 1 |
toolmode_allow_xenin_cp | 1 |
toolmode_allow_zgo2_dropzone | 1 |
toolmode_allow_zpn_pumpkinspawner | 1 |
toolmode_allow_zrmine_orespawner | 1 |
toolmode_allow_zrush_oilspot_zoner | 1 |
toolmode_allow_ztm_trashspawner | 1 |
ttt_allow_discomb_jump | 0 |
ttt_credits_starting | 2 |
ttt_debug_preventwin | 0 |
ttt_detective_hats | 1 |
ttt_detective_karma_min | 600 |
ttt_detective_max | 32 |
ttt_detective_min_players | 8 |
ttt_detective_pct | 0.125000 |
ttt_det_credits_starting | 1 |
ttt_firstpreptime | 60 |
ttt_haste | 1 |
ttt_haste_minutes_per_death | 0.500000 |
ttt_haste_starting_minutes | 5 |
ttt_namechange_bantime | 10 |
ttt_namechange_kick | 1 |
ttt_no_nade_throw_during_prep | 1 |
ttt_postround_dm | 0 |
ttt_posttime_seconds | 30 |
ttt_preptime_seconds | 30 |
ttt_ragdoll_pinning | 1 |
ttt_ragdoll_pinning_innocents | 0 |
ttt_roundtime_minutes | 10 |
ttt_round_limit | 6 |
ttt_teleport_telefrags | 1 |
ttt_time_limit_minutes | 75 |
ttt_traitor_max | 32 |
ttt_traitor_pct | 0.250000 |
tv_enable | 0 |
tv_password | 0 |
tv_relaypassword | 0 |
Jaemjo left the game
BigChungus left the game
Hamilton left the game
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Potato King joined the game
killerdestroyer433 joined the game
Knights joined the game
Knights left the game
louix* joined the game
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Russo joined the game
Ideot joined the game
Server responded to query
Gwenn left the game
Gwenn joined the game
Crunk Dumpster left the game
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MonGecko Gayming left the game
MonGecko Gayming joined the game
Totsu left the game
Server failed to respond to query
Secret left the game
Mateus left the game
Mateus joined the game
chizanol the CEO of jerkmate.com joined the game
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