[FR] π Kobralost Roleplay π | Exclu | 100K START | Famille | KBRP
- Rank
- #35
- Player count
- 75/128
- Address
- Status
- online
- Distance
- 6561 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Map
- rp_rockford_v2b
- Game Mode
- darkrp
- Password Protected
- False
Setting | Value |
ai_disabled | 0 |
ai_ignoreplayers | 0 |
coop | 0 |
deathmatch | 1 |
decalfrequency | 10 |
mp_allowNPCs | 1 |
mp_autocrosshair | 1 |
mp_fadetoblack | 0 |
mp_falldamage | 0 |
mp_flashlight | 1 |
mp_footsteps | 1 |
mp_forcerespawn | 1 |
mp_fraglimit | 0 |
mp_friendlyfire | 0 |
mp_teamlist | hgrunt;scientist |
mp_teamplay | 0 |
mp_timelimit | 0 |
mp_weaponstay | 0 |
nextlevel | |
physgun_limited | 0 |
physgun_maxrange | 4096 |
r_AirboatViewDampenDamp | 1.0 |
r_AirboatViewDampenFreq | 7.0 |
r_AirboatViewZHeight | 0.0 |
r_JeepViewDampenDamp | 1.0 |
r_JeepViewDampenFreq | 7.0 |
r_JeepViewZHeight | 10.0 |
r_VehicleViewDampen | 0 |
sbox_bonemanip_misc | 0 |
sbox_bonemanip_npc | 1 |
sbox_bonemanip_player | 0 |
sbox_godmode | 0 |
sbox_maxballoons | 10 |
sbox_maxbuttons | 10 |
sbox_maxcameras | 10 |
sbox_maxdynamite | 0 |
sbox_maxeffects | 10 |
sbox_maxemitters | 5 |
sbox_maxhoverballs | 0 |
sbox_maxlamps | 10 |
sbox_maxlights | 5 |
sbox_maxnpcs | 5 |
sbox_maxprops | 151 |
sbox_maxragdolls | 0 |
sbox_maxsents | 20 |
sbox_maxthrusters | 0 |
sbox_maxvehicles | 10 |
sbox_maxwheels | 10 |
sbox_noclip | 0 |
sbox_persist | |
sbox_playershurtplayers | 1 |
sbox_weapons | 1 |
sensor_debugragdoll | 0 |
sensor_stretchragdoll | 0 |
stacker_delay | 0.500000 |
stacker_force_freeze | 0 |
stacker_force_nocollide | 0 |
stacker_force_weld | 0 |
stacker_improved_force_freeze | 0 |
stacker_improved_force_nocollide | 0 |
stacker_improved_force_stayinworld | 1 |
stacker_improved_force_weld | 0 |
stacker_max_count | 15 |
stacker_max_offsetx | 200 |
stacker_max_offsety | 200 |
stacker_max_offsetz | 200 |
stacker_max_total | -1 |
stacker_stayinworld | 1 |
sv_accelerate | 10 |
sv_airaccelerate | 10 |
sv_allowcslua | 0 |
sv_alltalk | 0 |
sv_bounce | 0 |
sv_cheats | 0 |
sv_contact | |
sv_footsteps | 1 |
sv_friction | 8 |
sv_gravity | 600 |
sv_hl2mp_item_respawn_time | 30 |
sv_hl2mp_weapon_respawn_time | 20 |
sv_maxspeed | 10000 |
sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks | 24 |
sv_noclipaccelerate | 5 |
sv_noclipspeed | 10 |
sv_password | 0 |
sv_pausable | 0 |
sv_report_client_settings | 0 |
sv_rollangle | 0 |
sv_rollspeed | 200 |
sv_specaccelerate | 5 |
sv_specnoclip | 1 |
sv_specspeed | 3 |
sv_steamgroup | |
sv_stepsize | 18 |
sv_stopspeed | 10 |
sv_voiceenable | 1 |
sv_wateraccelerate | 10 |
sv_waterfriction | 1 |
toolmode_allow_advmat | 1 |
toolmode_allow_axis | 1 |
toolmode_allow_balloon | 1 |
toolmode_allow_ballsocket | 1 |
toolmode_allow_bkeypads | 1 |
toolmode_allow_bkeypads_admin_tool | 1 |
toolmode_allow_bkeypads_breaker | 1 |
toolmode_allow_bkeypads_fading_door | 1 |
toolmode_allow_bkeypads_linker | 1 |
toolmode_allow_bkeypads_persistence | 1 |
toolmode_allow_button | 1 |
toolmode_allow_camera | 1 |
toolmode_allow_colour | 1 |
toolmode_allow_creator | 1 |
toolmode_allow_duplicator | 1 |
toolmode_allow_dynamite | 1 |
toolmode_allow_editentity | 1 |
toolmode_allow_elastic | 1 |
toolmode_allow_emitter | 1 |
toolmode_allow_example | 1 |
toolmode_allow_eyeposer | 1 |
toolmode_allow_faceposer | 1 |
toolmode_allow_finger | 1 |
toolmode_allow_hoverball | 1 |
toolmode_allow_hydraulic | 1 |
toolmode_allow_inflator | 1 |
toolmode_allow_kbrp_prop_tool | 1 |
toolmode_allow_kbrp_shadowremover | 1 |
toolmode_allow_kb_duplicator | 1 |
toolmode_allow_kb_permaprops | 1 |
toolmode_allow_kb_removeprops | 1 |
toolmode_allow_lamp | 1 |
toolmode_allow_leafblower | 1 |
toolmode_allow_ledscreen | 1 |
toolmode_allow_light | 1 |
toolmode_allow_material | 1 |
toolmode_allow_motor | 1 |
toolmode_allow_muscle | 1 |
toolmode_allow_nocollide | 1 |
toolmode_allow_paint | 1 |
toolmode_allow_physprop | 1 |
toolmode_allow_precision | 1 |
toolmode_allow_pulley | 1 |
toolmode_allow_remover | 1 |
toolmode_allow_rfs_config | 1 |
toolmode_allow_rope | 1 |
toolmode_allow_slider | 1 |
toolmode_allow_stacker_improved | 1 |
toolmode_allow_thruster | 1 |
toolmode_allow_trails | 1 |
toolmode_allow_vjstool_bullseye | 1 |
toolmode_allow_vjstool_entityscanner | 1 |
toolmode_allow_vjstool_healthmodifier | 1 |
toolmode_allow_vjstool_notarget | 1 |
toolmode_allow_vjstool_npcequipment | 1 |
toolmode_allow_vjstool_npcmover | 1 |
toolmode_allow_vjstool_npcrelationship | 1 |
toolmode_allow_vjstool_npcspawner | 1 |
toolmode_allow_weld | 1 |
toolmode_allow_wheel | 1 |
toolmode_allow_winch | 1 |
toolmode_allow_zfa_fieldzone | 1 |
toolmode_allow_zgo2_dropzone | 1 |
toolmode_allow_zrmine_orespawner | 1 |
toolmode_allow_zrush_oilspot_zoner | 1 |
toolmode_allow_ztm_trashspawner | 1 |
ttt_allow_discomb_jump | 0 |
ttt_credits_starting | 2 |
ttt_debug_preventwin | 0 |
ttt_detective_hats | 1 |
ttt_detective_karma_min | 600 |
ttt_detective_max | 32 |
ttt_detective_min_players | 8 |
ttt_detective_pct | 0.125000 |
ttt_det_credits_starting | 1 |
ttt_firstpreptime | 60 |
ttt_haste | 1 |
ttt_haste_minutes_per_death | 0.500000 |
ttt_haste_starting_minutes | 5 |
ttt_namechange_bantime | 10 |
ttt_namechange_kick | 1 |
ttt_no_nade_throw_during_prep | 1 |
ttt_postround_dm | 0 |
ttt_posttime_seconds | 30 |
ttt_preptime_seconds | 30 |
ttt_ragdoll_pinning | 1 |
ttt_ragdoll_pinning_innocents | 0 |
ttt_roundtime_minutes | 10 |
ttt_round_limit | 6 |
ttt_teleport_telefrags | 1 |
ttt_time_limit_minutes | 75 |
ttt_traitor_max | 32 |
ttt_traitor_pct | 0.250000 |
tv_enable | 0 |
tv_password | 0 |
tv_relaypassword | 0 |
Nobility! joined the game
lemennyanis29 joined the game
TheFrenchJoueur joined the game
kzlxv02 joined the game
Brounix joined the game
Shiro | Itsuki joined the game
Jocco joined the game
Kans joined the game
Rhadamanthe joined the game
... joined the game
epilmorgan joined the game
Younes7 joined the game
Trala joined the game
nagota2712 joined the game
AySer771 joined the game
lremetter682 joined the game
Potteur joined the game
feligreenmcpe joined the game
Nushashu joined the game
NJ24 joined the game
+SERENITY-HASH. joined the game
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ISMA joined the game
WØEROS hellcase.org joined the game
MNZOU joined the game
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