[EU/UK] Archon PvE | Helis | Custom Gear | Cars | Staffed
- Rank
- #267
- Player count
- 37/50
- Address
- (Game Port) (Query Port) - Status
- online
- Distance
- 6549 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Time
- 22:09
- Password Protected
- False
- Official Server
- False
- Version
- 1.26.159040
- Third Person
- Allowed
- Mods
- AirSoft Guns
- ToFu Virtual Storage
- ArchonPvE-ChernoServerPack_126
- BulletStacksPlusPlusRedux
- AdvancedBanking V2
- SchanaModParty
- InventoryPlusPlus
- Basic_Territories_Updated
- Big Grampa - Residential Aussie Houses
- Bridges
- Gas-Pump-Refueling
- RaG_Hunting_Cabin
- RedFalcon Watercraft
- PseudoGiant
- ZStuff
- Terrain Islands
- BuildingsMegaModPack
- Megaloot Tunnels
- MilitaryBioLab
- Fear the wall in dayz
- dbo_grip
- dbo_surfaces
- Admirals Parachute Mod
- Archon_CustomClothing2023
- ArchonPvE-MusicGrenades
- Blackouts Scorpion
- Blackouts Baja
- CJ187-PokemonCards
- ZomBerry Admin Tools
- Survidor Name Changer
- TruckFixV2
- Trader Mod
- BodyBags
- RedFalcon Mosquito Mk III
- RedFalcon Flight System Heliz
- PvZmoD Customisable Zombies
- PvZmoD The Dark Horde
- Modular Vest System
- CannabisPlus
- Custom Emblem Tags
- Honey-Badger
- Towing Service
- RUSForma_vehicles
- ArchonPvE-Vehicles
- TeddysWeaponPack
- DayZ Editor Loader
- Mass'sManyItemOverhaul
- BuilderItems
- Dabs Framework
- Forever_Burning_Campfire
- FlipTransport
- Cl0ud's Military Gear
- IncreasedZombieInventory
- Ear Plugs
- MuchStuffPack
- RUSForma_Motorcycles
- IRP Land Rover Defender 110
- Lad's Ghillie Suit Mod
- SchanaModGlobalChat
- MuchCarKey
- GoreZ
- SchanaModCompass
- PristineRepair
- HeliPad
- Helicopter landing pad
- Supressor Hybrid
- ReducedFireWeaponDamage
- COCAs_NoVehicleDamageMOD
- Advanced Weapon Scopes
- CodeLock
- UnlimitedRun
- MuchFramework
- Server Information Panel
- gebsfish
- VanillaPlusPlusMap
- BBPItemPack
- BaseBuildingPlus
- VPPAdminTools
- Community Framework
- dayztrader
- Lebobo88
- MixxyV2
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Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
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Server responded to query
Server failed to respond to query
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Server Statistics
DayZ does not support player lists. If player list support is added we will start tracking player data.