[RussianGang] $2000$ [v92 | 100tick | 500fps
- Rank
- #287
- Player count
- 0/24
- Address
- Status
- offline
- Distance
- 7944 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Map
- $2000$
- Password Protected
- False
- Friendly Fire
- On
Setting | Value |
bot_quota | 2 |
bp_version | 1.0.1 |
coop | 0 |
deathmatch | 1 |
decalfrequency | 10 |
gs_deadtalk_version | 2.0 |
lk_unmute_description | Убрать с себя мут & гаг |
lk_unmute_name | Снять ограничения |
lk_unmute_price | 50 |
lk_unmute_reason | Платный размут |
metamod_version | 1.11.0-dev+1153V |
mp_allowNPCs | 1 |
mp_autocrosshair | 1 |
mp_autoteambalance | 0 |
mp_c4timer | 45 |
mp_disable_respawn_times | 0 |
mp_fadetoblack | 0 |
mp_falldamage | 1 |
mp_flashlight | 1 |
mp_footsteps | 1 |
mp_forceautoteam | 0 |
mp_forcerespawn | 1 |
mp_fraglimit | 0 |
mp_freezetime | 3 |
mp_friendlyfire | 0 |
mp_holiday_nogifts | 0 |
mp_hostagepenalty | 13 |
mp_limitteams | 2 |
mp_match_end_at_timelimit | 0 |
mp_maxrounds | 0 |
mp_respawnwavetime | 10.0 |
mp_roundtime | 1.30 |
mp_scrambleteams_auto | 1 |
mp_scrambleteams_auto_windifference | 2 |
mp_stalemate_enable | 0 |
mp_stalemate_meleeonly | 0 |
mp_startmoney | 800 |
mp_teamlist | hgrunt;scientist |
mp_teamplay | 0 |
mp_timelimit | 60 |
mp_tournament | 0 |
mp_weaponstay | 0 |
mp_winlimit | 0 |
nextlevel | |
Removeweapons_on | 1 |
r_AirboatViewDampenDamp | 1.0 |
r_AirboatViewDampenFreq | 7.0 |
r_AirboatViewZHeight | 0.0 |
r_JeepViewDampenDamp | 1.0 |
r_JeepViewDampenFreq | 7.0 |
r_JeepViewZHeight | 10.0 |
r_VehicleViewDampen | 1 |
scp_version | 2.3.0 |
sm_advanced_shop_version | 3.0E8 |
sm_botnames_version | 1.3.2 |
sm_namereward_version | 1.0 |
sm_nextmap | $2000$ |
sm_quakesoundsv3_version | 4.0.0 |
sm_server_wh_version | 1.0.2_toggle 02.06.2022 |
sm_shop_credits_version | 1.4.3 |
sm_vip_core_version | 3.0.4 R |
sm_weak_throw_version | 1.3.0_02.10.2021 |
sm_Weaponcleanup_version | 1.2 |
sm_welcome_snd_version | 1.0 |
sourcemod_version | |
stripper_current_file | $2000$ |
stripper_version | 1.2.2 |
sv_accelerate | 5 |
sv_airaccelerate | 10 |
sv_allowminmodels | 1 |
sv_alltalk | 1 |
sv_bounce | 0 |
sv_cheats | 0 |
sv_competitive_minspec | 0 |
sv_contact | rusgang.ru |
sv_enableboost | 0 |
sv_enablebunnyhopping | 0 |
sv_footsteps | 1 |
sv_friction | 4 |
sv_gravity | 800 |
sv_maxspeed | 320 |
sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks | 24 |
sv_noclipaccelerate | 5 |
sv_noclipspeed | 5 |
sv_nostats | 0 |
sv_password | 0 |
sv_pausable | 0 |
sv_rollangle | 0 |
sv_rollspeed | 200 |
sv_specaccelerate | 5 |
sv_specnoclip | 1 |
sv_specspeed | 3 |
sv_steamgroup | |
sv_stepsize | 18 |
sv_stopspeed | 75 |
sv_tags | |
sv_voiceenable | 1 |
sv_vote_quorum_ratio | 0.6 |
sv_wateraccelerate | 10 |
sv_waterfriction | 1 |
sw_gamedesc_override_version | 1.1 |
tf_arena_max_streak | 3 |
tf_arena_preround_time | 10 |
tf_arena_round_time | 0 |
tf_arena_use_queue | 1 |
tv_enable | 1 |
tv_password | 0 |
tv_relaypassword | 0 |
Dwellow left the game
mmr3112 left the game
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mmr3112 joined the game
Dwellow joined the game
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mmr3112 left the game
Dwellow left the game
Eva Elfie left the game
I want pizza left the game
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I want pizza joined the game
Eva Elfie joined the game
Dwellow joined the game
mmr3112 joined the game
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mmr3112 left the game
Buharik left the game
Nagibator3000 left the game
Dwellow left the game
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Dwellow joined the game
Server Statistics
Active players
Name | Play time |