- Rank
- #1039
- Player count
- 0/32
- Address
- Status
- invalid
- Distance
- 7830 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Map
- fy_pool_day
- Password Protected
- False
Setting | Value |
aes | 0.5.9 [REAPI] |
aes_track_pause | 0 |
aesp_version | 1.5b_mini |
allow_spectators | 1 |
amx_client_languages | 0 |
amx_language | ru |
amx_nextmap | de_sultan |
amx_timeleft | 08:19 |
amxbans_ssversion | MA: 1.6.12 |
amxbans_version | MA: 1.6.12 |
amxmodx_version | |
atb_advanced_version | 1.5.1 |
auw_version | 0.1.0b |
colored_smoke | 1.1 |
coop | 0 |
csstatsx_sql | 0.7.4+2 |
deathmatch | 1 |
decalfrequency | 60 |
edgefriction | 2 |
ff_damage_reduction_bullets | 0.35 |
ff_damage_reduction_grenade | 0.25 |
ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self | 1.0 |
ff_damage_reduction_other | 0.35 |
gag_me_version | 2.3.4 |
game_version | |
hbf_enabled | 1 |
humans_join_team | any |
lt_version | 2.8 |
mapm_version | 2.5.61 |
max_queries_sec | 1 |
max_queries_sec_global | 1 |
max_queries_window | 1 |
metamod_version | 1.21p37 |
mode2x2_version | 2.5re |
molotov_buy_access | y |
molotov_buy_limit | 1 |
molotov_check_buyzone | 1 |
molotov_check_hit_player | 2 |
molotov_cost | 800 |
molotov_demage_mode | 0 |
molotov_demage_radius_mode | 1 |
molotov_demage_time | 0.80 |
molotov_demage_value | 8.0 |
molotov_duration | 8 |
molotov_effect_num | 4 |
molotov_equip_access | 1 |
molotov_killfeed | 0 |
molotov_limit_round | 0 |
molotov_radius | 80.0 |
molotov_sky_force | 1 |
molotov_smoke_owner | models/w_smokegrenade.mdl |
molotov_smoke_touch | 1 |
molotov_throwtime | 2.5 |
molotov_water_touch | 1 |
mp_afk_bomb_drop_time | 0 |
mp_autokick | 1 |
mp_autokick_timeout | -1 |
mp_autoteambalance | 0 |
mp_buy_anywhere | 0 |
mp_buytime | 0.25 |
mp_c4timer | 35 |
mp_chattime | 10.000000 |
mp_consistency | 1 |
mp_fadetoblack | 0 |
mp_falldamage | 1 |
mp_flashlight | 0 |
mp_footsteps | 1 |
mp_forcecamera | 1 |
mp_forcechasecam | 1 |
mp_forcerespawn | 0 |
mp_fraglimit | 0 |
mp_fragsleft | 0 |
mp_freeforall | 0 |
mp_freezetime | 4 |
mp_friendlyfire | 0 |
mp_give_player_c4 | 1 |
mp_hostage_hurtable | 1 |
mp_hostagepenalty | 2 |
mp_infinite_ammo | 0 |
mp_infinite_grenades | 0 |
mp_item_staytime | 300 |
mp_kickpercent | 0.66 |
mp_logdetail | 0 |
mp_logfile | 1 |
mp_logmessages | 1 |
mp_mapvoteratio | 0.66 |
mp_maxmoney | 16000 |
mp_maxrounds | 0 |
mp_playerid | 0 |
mp_radio_maxinround | 60 |
mp_radio_timeout | 1.5 |
mp_respawn_immunity_effects | 1 |
mp_respawn_immunity_force_unset | 1 |
mp_respawn_immunitytime | 0 |
mp_round_infinite | 0 |
mp_round_restart_delay | 5 |
mp_roundover | 0 |
mp_roundtime | 2 |
mp_scoreboard_showdefkit | 1 |
mp_scoreboard_showhealth | 3 |
mp_scoreboard_showmoney | 3 |
mp_show_scenarioicon | 0 |
mp_slaylosers | 1 |
mp_startmoney | 800 |
mp_timeleft | 08:19 |
mp_timelimit | 20 |
mp_tkpunish | 0 |
mp_weapons_allow_map_placed | 1 |
mp_windifference | 1 |
mp_winlimit | 0 |
pausable | 0 |
reaimdetector_version | 0.2.2 |
reauthcheck_version | 0.1.6 |
resemiclip_version | 2.3.9 |
resrdetector_version | 0.1.0 |
reu_version | |
revoice_version | |
SNAC_Version | 1.1 |
StyleC4Timer | 3.1 |
sv_accelerate | 5 |
sv_aim | 0 |
sv_airaccelerate | 10 |
sv_allow_autoaim | 1 |
sv_allowupload | 1 |
sv_alltalk | 1 |
sv_bounce | 1 |
sv_cheats | 0 |
sv_clienttrace | 1 |
sv_contact | |
sv_friction | 4 |
sv_gravity | 800 |
sv_logblocks | 0 |
sv_maxrate | 100000 |
sv_maxspeed | 900 |
sv_minrate | 25000 |
sv_password | 0 |
sv_proxies | 1 |
sv_restart | 0 |
sv_restartround | 0 |
GSClient left the game
Siroga777 left the game
petro left the game
Server failed to respond to query
Server responded to query
GSClient joined the game
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
petro joined the game
Siroga777 joined the game
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
[FUBP]Sanek left the game
TBepckou'___ツ left the game
(1) online left the game
fr0st left the game
Tpy left the game
arankar25 left the game
AYUBHON left the game
KATAKBAS left the game
liltix99 left the game
Server Statistics
Active players
Name | Play time |