CodeFourGaming - King of the Hill EU#2 - Fastmatch Infantry
- Rank
- #27
- Player count
- 73/85
- Address
- (Game Port) (Query Port) - Status
- online
- Distance
- 6497 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Map
- Altis
- Mission
- King of the Hill by Sa-Matra (v17, Infantry)
- Mods
- None
- Signatures
- a3, jsrs_soundmod_2020_v2, kats_1.0.0, kats_admin_1.0.1
Wantaid.Axolotl left the game
Mossarelli joined the game
COLONEL VOLGIN left the game
COLONEL VOLGIN joined the game
Magger joined the game
Gee-i joined the game
Zero left the game
Wchrk left the game
Server failed to respond to query
MrPine left the game
Endroye left the game
mrsix left the game
Hasan left the game
janha joined the game
marto left the game
Tae joined the game
mrsix joined the game
brand joined the game
Server failed to respond to query
terma joined the game
ALPHA 0NE XR joined the game
Willy wonka left the game
Barabajal left the game
Gadaffi left the game
dalby left the game