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Project Apocalypse Roleplay online since the beta MP! We're a big group of players who enjoy PZ as our main game server. We're a very active community that enjoys playing Project Zomboid in our ruleset. We're a light roleplay server that offers a mix of gameplay and pretending your character in-game is in a real apocalypse, carrying your character as you would real life. We plan on continue to expand into uncharted territories as the game progresses along. We hope to continue to build an enviorment our players enjoy and feel safe spending their time in. Our community is the deciding factor for most of our server options & mods, we take value in what they decide. We have a high amount of developers working to increase satisfaction in our server to make gameplay enjoyable. We have a lot of plans for the future of the server, as the game updates more we'll be more successfully able to curate a better experience for all. - Anti-Grief by Co` - Character progression & saving system - Claimable Zones ANYWHERE on the map in magnitudes of sizes! - Tons of Building items! Huge player cities crafted! - Make sure to read the MOTD on entering the server for the best experience! Explains the mechanics of the server. - Safehouses! We have offline protection on safehouses, if you're offline your stuff is golden! Also players can't loot your house even if you're online, they can just enter. - We're based on a dedicated server, therefore no lag! 64 dedicated gb of ram just for the server on our box! Lag and desync miminalized! - Low amount of curated mods choosen by the community! QOL mods that help generate server roleplay or gameplay! From fashion to brita weapons! - Structured rule list & active administration team. No DM on sight, unless in a KOS zone which are marked by players! - Server wide events to encourage meeting new players on a friendly basis. - Faction conflicts, looking to join a group to seek out justice on other players? There's a whole bunch of that! - Default zombies the road to a proper zombie infection! No easy mode here, fight and survive with your group! - Loot structure is default! Restricting you from looting every item in the game in one session, - Custom respawning - To avoid loosing character progression - This has rules and limitations but allows you to bring a character back to life. No permanent death if you save your character. - Higher quality VOIP complexity to not sound like a robot with lag! - We offer a great mixed gameplay for all players, wether you want to roleplay or not, aslong as you follow the rules you'll always have a great time. - Anti-griefing system, we've developed a way to stop majority of griefers in whichever way they choose to ruin other players fun. These people are banned quickly. - 5x XP - We wanted to meet people in the middle, knowingly how long it takes to grind skills to be able to roleplay more and less grind. - Map mods! Huge additional map mods that add about 4x amount of places to loot and discover!


  1. Discord
  2. Season 2 Trailer

Organization Stats

Player Count


Unique Players




