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  • [Changed] Links in player notes should now be clickable.
  • [Added] On the RCON player profile page there is now an indicator if an IP is shared with another player.


  • [Added] Ban Sync system. The Ban Sync system is currently considered a public beta. While it should work, we expect to learn all about weird edge cases in the ban systems games implement. Once we think we've caught most of the bugs and things have been running well we'll make an announcement on the website.

    You can learn about the Ban Sync system here: https://learn.battlemetrics.com/article/12-ban-sync

  • [Added] An "Import" option on the ban list edit page. You may use the "Import" option when editing a ban list, which will move bans that are not already on a list to that list


The leaderboard options have been expanded. Subscriber options are available to all account tiers. Organization members may use all features for the organization's servers.


The player search page has been overhauled. Our full database is now available to search for all users. The same limitations on private identifiers remain, only information you have access to is searchable.

Not all options are available on all pages as some only make sense in certain locations. You can search for players from the main website (Public), a server's public page (Server), or the RCON Players page (RCON) that you are most likely familiar with.

The time/date related filters are restricted to subscribers (all tiers). If you are not a subscriber, but belong to an organization you may still use the options as long as you're only searching servers that belong to that organization.

The following options are now available:

  • [Public, RCON] Filtering players by multiple servers.

  • [Public, RCON, Server] Online/offline filter.

  • [Public, RCON, Server] Filtering by if the player was online at a specific time.

  • [Public, RCON, Server] Filtering by when the player was first seen. When filtering by servers the oldest date is used.

  • [Public, RCON, Server] Filtering by when the player was last seen. When filtering by servers the most recent date is used.

  • [Public, RCON, Server] Ability to show server information. This includes the name of the server, online status, first seen, last seen, and time played.

    We will only include information on the first 100 player/server combinations. Example: If there are 10 player results, we will only return server details on up to 10 servers per player.

  • [Public Page] Ability to filter players by server information. For example: Only show players that have played on official servers in the US.

  • Ability to sort players by last seen. When filtering by servers the oldest date is used.

  • Ability to sort players by first seen. When filtering by servers the most recent date is used.


We've released some improvements to the reserved slot system.

The reserved slot system still functions the same way. It is still essentially a reverse ban list and as such will kick players, not prevent them from joining. Not all games have a usable reserved slot system. If your game has adequate reserved slot/whitelisting capabilities we recommend you use that system. In particular this system does not function well with Rust and Squad's queuing system.

  • You can now create reserved slots for multiple servers, a single server, or all servers.
  • They now have an option to expire.
  • The reserved slot list now has proper pagination.
  • They are now searchable.
  • We have added an option to kick the last player to join when a player on the reserved slot list joins. Look for the "Kick Last non-reserved slot player to join." option in server settings. We recommend waiting a while to enable this option or we may kick players on the list, but that did not use a reserved slot.
  • You may attach metadata to a reserved slot to associate it with transactions, or anything else outside of our system.
  • The reserved slot system is now available through the API. See here: https://www.battlemetrics.com/developers/documentation#resource-reservedSlot


  • [Changed] Issuing Rust bans will now kick and associate the ban with the player if a player with the given Steam ID is online.


Today we are releasing several new ban system features. These are mostly focused on making it easier to manage bans. After everyone gets a chance to use the new features and provide feedback we will post an announcement on the website.

Ban Lists

You can create multiple ban lists. Each ban list allows you to set defaults that will be used when a list is selected. You may also change what action should be taken per server. All bans assigned to a ban list can be removed at once by unsubscribing from the ban list.

The settings available are:

  • Default Identifiers: The types you choose will automatically be selected when you're banning a player.
  • Default Reasons: You can add multiple default reasons to select from. The first reason on the list will be selected by default. The other reasons can be selected from a drop-down menu next to the reason.
  • Auto Add Enabled: If "auto add" should be enabled by default (more on "auto add" later).
  • Server Actions: You can choose the action for each of your servers. The current actions are kick, log, and none.

If you choose to create a ban list that only applies to some of your servers the "organization-wide" option will only apply the ban to those servers.

You can set a default ban list at both the organization and server level. If you have servers for multiple games or with different rules and you want to keep your bans separate, this is the way to do it.

Ban Sharing

You may share access to your ban lists. To share a ban list you create an invite that you will send to the organization(s) that you wish to share your list with. Invites can have pre-assigned permissions and limits. You may also change the permissions of an organization after they have accepted an invite.

Sharing your ban list with another organization allows the invited organization to see all of the bans and the information associated with the bans on the list. This includes your organization's name, the nicknames of users editing the bans, the identifiers attached to the bans, the notes, and name of the server the player was banned on. Remember, by sharing your bans you are sharing the above information with people outside your organization!

The standard messages about creating, updating, and deleting bans will be made visible to all organizations that subscribe to the list. The message will include both the user's nickname as well as the organization(s) they represent.

Only the organization who issued the ban may change the Organization Wide option. A shared ban that was not issued by your organization will apply to all selected servers regardless of the Organization Wide setting.

You may set the following permissions for an organization:

  • Create: Allows the organization's users to create bans.
  • Update: Allows the organization's users to edit bans.
  • Delete: Allows the organization's users to remove bans.
  • Manage: Allows the organization's users to manage other organization's access to the ban list. This includes removing organizations, creating invites, changing permissions, etc.

Ban Exemptions

Ban exemptions allow you to ignore bans that you do not want to implement or do not have permission to edit. This is primarily a way to ignore/unban a player that is on a shared ban list that you do not have permission to edit. Ban exemptions are available under a drop-down menu under the note input.

Auto Add Enabled

When "Auto Add" is enabled on a ban we will automatically add new identifiers from players as they are kicked from your server(s). Only the types of identifiers already selected will be added. For example: If you do not select any IPs on the ban new IPs will not be added.

This feature is especially powerful with IP bans and will prevent most ban evasion automatically. If you ban both by Steam ID and IP if the player does not change their IP, their new Steam ID will be banned. If the banned player then changes their IP, assuming they are IP banned, they will most likely be surprised that their new Steam ID is already banned.

Bans on a shared ban list will only automatically update if the organization that owns the server has the Update permission.

Quick Ban

This is the new hammer icon next to the normal "Add Ban" button under the player drop-down menu. The ban hammer button will open the quick ban dialog. To take full advantage of the Quick Ban dialog you should create at least one ban list and set it as your default. The Quick Ban dialog will use all the defaults from the selected ban list. If you have all of your defaults set up this can reduce bans to three clicks.

New Permissions

There are several new permissions for these features. If you are not the organization owner you may need to wait until permission is granted.

  • View Ban List Details

  • Create Ban List

  • Update Ban List

  • Manage Ban List

  • Manage Ban List Invites

  • Delete Ban List

  • Create Ban Exemptions

  • Update Ban Exemptions

  • Delete Ban Exemptions

Other Miscellaneous Changes

  • The "BattleMetrics Ban" action in triggers can choose which ban list the ban should be added to.
  • The "BattleMetrics Ban" action in triggers can select if the ban should be organization wide.
  • Importing bans will create a new ban list by default.


  • [Changed] [Squad] Licensed Squad servers may now use the following trigger conditions: player.steam.daysSinceLastBan, player.steam.VACBanned, player.steam.VACBanCount, player.steam.gameBans, player.steam.privateProfile, player.steam.timePlayed, player.steam.gameCount, player.steam.accountAge.

    The only condition that remains restricted on licensed servers is player.steam.country.

  • [Changed] Ban create and edit permissions are now separate.


  • [Fixed] [Rust] Duplicate chat on servers running BetterChat and WebSocket RCON.


  • [Changed] [API 0.1.0] New ban attribute orgWide.
  • [Changed] The ban interface has been updated to use our public API.
  • [Changed] The ban list has been updated to include the name of the banning admin and the name of the server the player was banned on.


  • [Added] [Arma, Rust, 7DTD] We are starting a slow rollout of Steam Family Sharing ban support. To start with we are running both the old and the new ban processor at the same time and logging any differences in kicks that are issued.

    Steam Family Sharing bans will not be enforced while we test. They are only being logged internally for us to review.

    After we are satisfied that we are accurately tracking Steam Family Sharing and that the new ban system is working as intended we will start slowly enforcing bans.

    You may start to see "Steam Family Share Owner" identifiers appear on player pages and on the ban form. This will allow you to start tracking who is using Steam Family Sharing and track down the game owner.

    In addition to the ban changes we are introducing two new trigger conditions. You should now have "Using Family Share" and "Steam Owner ID" conditions.

    Note: This is only available for Arma, Rust, and 7DTD. The other games that we support do not provide the required information for this feature.


  • [Added] Option to ban for less than one hour on BattleMetrics bans issued via triggers.
  • [Fixed] Variables can now be used in scheduled messages.
  • [Fixed] Server update triggers will now be triggered by server queries.


  • [Added] [Squad] Set server password command.
  • [Fixed] [Squad] Raw command permission not showing.


  • [Fixed] Player list filtering is now case insensitive.
  • [Fixed] [Ark] PVP message type is now parsed and displayed correctly.


  • [Added] [Squad] New Force Team Change command.


  • [Changed] [7DTD] "Unknown" message type renamed to "Unknown INF Message"
  • [Changed] [7DTD] "Unknown INF Message" type is now searched for active player names and SteamIDs.


  • [Added] [Ark, RS2: Vietnam] Raw command.
  • [Added] [7DTD] "Message Player" command using Alloc's Server Fixes sayplayer command.


  • [Added] [Arma] "Resulted in Kick" condition to "BattlEye Log" type. This is considered experimental for now. It is dependent on us receiving the kick and BattlEye Log message at the same time.
  • [Added] [Arma] "Ban for BattlEye Restrictions" trigger example. It will add a BattleMetrics ban with information about the BattlEye restriction.
  • [Added] [Rust / 7DTD] Matching players by SteamID, IP, and name to "Unidentified & Generic Messages" type messages.


  • [Fixed] Issue that could cause chat trigger actions to only run on the first matching message in an update.
  • [Changed] Requirements on tag names. Special characters are not allowed anymore.


  • [Fixed] Issue with filtering by tags.
  • [Added] Separate options to change between whitelist and blacklist on tags and types.
  • [Added] Option to change between using "AND" and "OR" when joining results of tag and type filters.
  • [Fixed] Issue preventing triggers from running as a result of user commands on the website.
  • [Fixed] Issue preventing trigger-based email notifications from being sent to default account email.
  • [Fixed] Missing tags on BattlEye logs.


  • [Added] "Whole Word Match (Case-insensitive)" option for triggers.
  • [Added] Trigger support for "Unidentified & Generic Messages" message types (Rust, Ark, 7DTD, Insurgency).
  • [Changed] Chat filters so that are not applied until you click "Apply".
  • [Added] Option to reset filters.


Chat triggers have been released along with several other improvements to chat and logging. You can find chat triggers along with other triggers at the top right.

As part of this release, we have also enabled "personal" triggers. Personal triggers allow you to create chat triggers that are specific to your account. They are currently limited to the two new actions detailed below.

Personal triggers will always be restricted to actions that do not impact the server or your fellow organization members.

Chat Filtering

  • We have rebuilt chat filtering to use the underlying message types used by the trigger system.
  • All messages types may now be filtered.
  • Added an option to switch between whitelist and blacklist modes.
  • You can create custom tags and filter based on the tag.

New Actions

Tag Message

Tagging a message allows you to associate a custom tag and color with a message or update. You may search and filter based on tags. You may filter your server activity by clicking the cog located at the top right of the activity log.

The color you associate with a message will show as a "tab" to the left of the message.

There are two new permissions associated with this action. You must have the appropriate permissions to create triggers.

  • Create Tags: Allows creating tags that are visible to all members.
  • Delete Tags: Allows deleting tags that are visible to all members.


  • The new notification action allows you to trigger external notifications such as email, SMS, and push notifications.

  • The notification action is only available on personal triggers.

  • Each user uses the email and SMS rate limits associated with their account. This means that you must have access to SMS messages in order to use them. For most RCON users, only the organization owner will have access to these alerts.

  • We are using Web Push Notifications, which are currently only supported by Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Chrome for Android. There are no browsers that support push notifications on iOS at this time.

The old trigger notification action has been renamed to "Log Message" to better reflect its intended use.

Release Notes

We now have a release note system. Going forward, when we release new features or make big changes to the website we will use this system to make sure you don't miss anything.

Smaller changes and bug fixes will continue to go into the changelog.


  • [Changed] [Squad] Alpha 9.4 Map List.


  • [Added] Player list filtering.


  • [Fixed] [Arma] Fixed issue with Steam family sharing that could lead to duplicate players.


  • [Added] Indicator when a player has a note associated with them. On the dashboard players will have a blue background. The detailed server view will use a caption bubble icon.
  • [Added] Search links on non-unique identifiers on player page and player search.
  • [Added] Option to disable schedules and triggers.
  • [Added] Spacing around identifiers to ease selection.
  • [Added] Player list sorting on detailed server view.
  • [Added] Player IP condition for triggers.
  • [Fixed] Rust Missing clan tag on clan messages.
  • [Added] Rust Option to change the status update interval. You may set it between 15 seconds and 5 minutes.


  • [Added] Player and Server APIs. If you plan to use the API let us know. We'll try to keep API users informed of any changes made to the API.

    BattleMetrics API documentation


  • [Changed] Scheduler system. All of your existing schedules will work as is. When/if you make changes to them they'll be converted to the new system on the fly.


    • Ability to schedule most actions, not just chat. The actions should look pretty familiar, it's the same as triggers with the server update type selected.
    • Time Zone setting. Instead of converting between UTC and the user's time zone the schedule now has an associated time zone. Time zone will default to the organization's time zone if one is set, or the user's time zone if one is not set.
    • Interface types
      • Simple: Very similar to the old interface. This will be used when editing old schedules.
      • Warning: Will build a schedule that increases in frequency as a preset time approaches.
      • Advanced: Pretty much anything you want (hopefully). The simple and warning interfaces have an option to switch to this interface (one way). Build schedules using conditions On, Every, After, Before, and Except.
    • Multiple schedules per schedule (advanced interface only)
    • Clone: When creating and editing schedules there is a link to clone the schedule. The link does not share/clone server information and is therefore safe to share.


  • [Added] Trigger check for players who have not yet set up their Steam Community profile. See "Steam Community Profile Is Set Up" option.


  • [Fixed] Issue allowing broadcasted commands to target offline servers.


  • [Fixed] Rust Oxide/BetterChat parsing for new version.
  • [Added] Undefined value check for trigger conditions.
  • [Added] player.ip.country.name and player.steam.country.name for condition templates.


  • [Added] Trigger System. The trigger system is considered experimental. There is currently no link on the main nav. You may view the trigger system here: https://www.battlemetrics.com/rcon/triggers

    If you encounter issues, or have questions please let us know. This is only the initial release of the trigger system. Please be careful, it is entirely possible to ban all of your players automatically if you set the parameters wrong.


  • [Changed] Auto-scroll will now engage when scrolling down and within 100px of the bottom of the chat history. It will disengage upon scrolling up any amount.


  • [Added] [Squad] New map layers


  • [Added] [ARK] Split chat button to select between Broadcast and Global Chat.


  • [Added] [Squad] New Kokan map


  • [Added] [Squad] Alpha 8 maps


  • [Fixed] Issue causing the last player in the dashboard player list to
    sometimes be partially cut off.


  • [Changed] [Arma] The BattlEye protocol has been switched to UTF8. It appears that BattlEye handles UTF8 despite the documentation saying otherwise.


  • [Changed] RCON Dashboard and server page player list rendering. The dashboard and player list on the detailed server view have received major changes to improve performance. The functionality and design is unchanged. The interface should now remain responsive even with thousands of players listed.


  • [Fixed] [Rust] Raw command was not visible for users other than the organization owner.


  • [Added] [Rust] Import and export support for Rust game bans and RustAdmin IP ban files.


  • [Fixed] [Rust] Issue with unicode escape strings in player names.
  • [Changed] [Rust / ARK] When we are able to detect encoding issues with a player name we will instead use their Steam profile name when available.


  • [Changed] [Rust] Increased status refresh interval to 30 seconds from 15 seconds.
  • [Changed] [Rust] Both WebSocket and Source connection types now use status command. WebSocket connections were using playerlist before. The status command appears to be more reliable/faster.
  • [Fixed] [Rust] Servers running Better Chat and Clans should no longer see players being added, removed and readded with their clan tag.
  • [Fixed] [Rust] Parsing issue with Better Chat when group tags came after the player name.


  • [Fixed] [ARK] Parsing issues with certain kill messages.
  • [Added] [Rust] mutevoice/unmutevoice/mutechat/unmutechat commands. Each command has it's own permission. Grant the permission(s) to your appropriate roles/users!


  • [Added] Rust restart command.
  • [Added] Rust raw command input.
  • [Added] Chat parsing for the Better Chat Oxide mod for Rust.
  • [Added] Ability to broadcast server commands to multiple servers.
  • [Added] Option to remove server from dashboard.


  • [Added] Player's score for Squad.


  • [Added] Scheduler. Send messages automatically on flexible schedules.


  • [Added] Ability to associate player identifiers with an admin. From the organization edit page you are able to edit users and add BattlEye GUIDs and Steam IDs that will be used to identify that admin. This is currently limited to highlighting admins that are in game, but may be expanded later.
  • [Fixed] Issue preventing infinite scrolling in server activity views.


  • [Added] Player notes. You can now add notes that are associated with players and an organization. All users in the organization can see the notes. The person who created the note can edit and delete the note. In order to allow your admins to edit and delete other admin's notes give them the "Manage Player Notes" permission.
  • [Changed] Added an "Orgs" button to the top right to make organization management a bit easier to find. It is only visible to users who have the required permission to create or edit organizations.
  • [Fixed] Issue calculating height of server activity when viewing multiple days worth of activity at once.


  • [Added] Ban reason templates. You may automatically include the ban's unique id (default), the admin's nickname, ban duration (e.g. 2d, 3h), time left (e.g. 4h, updates dynamically), the date the player was banned, and when the ban expires.

    You can also set the default ban reason for your organization under organization options. You can set your organization's locale and time zone which will be used when formatting dates and times in ban reasons.


  • [Added] Chat notification options. Matches are done based on whole words, !admin will not match administrator. Notifications will only be triggered by messages from players.
  • [Added] Option to toggle showing expired bans.
  • [Added] Information about the number of bans you have to the ban page.
  • [Added] Hourly presets to the ban form. Select "X Hours" and then the number of hours to ban the player.
  • [Fixed] Display issue on the ban form that made it appear as if users could issue permanent bans after selecting a preset and then clearing the ban duration input.


  • [Added] Warning when the player appears to be connecting via a proxy. VPNs, TOR exit nodes, data centers, and other high risk IP types will be flagged.


  • [Fixed] Issue in ARK chat handling. If a player changed their Steam profile name we were not able to detect who sent the message and we ignored the message. We now attempt to match against their Steam profile name if it's available. When we can't match the message to a player we now show the message without a link to a player.


  • [Fixed] Issue causing missing token on RCON invites when the user is redirected to log in before accepting.
  • [Fixed] Incorrect ARK shutdown command.
  • [Added] Destroy Wild Dinos ARK command. Be sure to assign the permission to your staff members that should be able to use this command.


  • [Added] VAC and other Steam information. If a player has a VAC or global game ban on their Steam account we will now flag the player. You can also view Steam information for a player on the player's profile page.


  • [Added] Support for RenamePlayer and RenameTribe Ark commands. They are both available from the server commands dropdown.

    Currently Ark does not provide a way to get a player's survivor name, when Ark provides the ability for us to reliably get that information we will add the rename option to players.

  • [Fixed] A bug that could allow Ark servers using the getchat method to revert to using getgamelog.

  • [Changed] How links to the RCON server page are handled. Some users have been using their RCON page in their server advertisements. If someone follows the link and is not logged in they will be asked to log in (same as before). If they are already logged in, but don't have access they will now be redirected to the public version of the page.

    Before this change unauthorized users were shown a mostly empty page with an overlay saying RCON was disabled. At no point were unauthorized users able to access private information. This is simply a change to aid usability.

  • [Added] Broadcast options to the dashboard. Allows you to select which command will be used to send broadcasts to all of your servers. Currently Ark is the only game with broadcast options (global chat and broadcast).


  • [Fixed] Issue causing player join/leave messages to not be displayed on the dashboard.


  • [Fixed] Missing kick permission for Ark servers when using individual server permissions.


  • [Added] Option to use getchat for Ark servers. The option is listed on the edit server page (cog on single server view) and during the add server process.


  • [Added] Organizations can now be deleted from the organization edit page. The organization must not have any servers associated with it.
  • [Fixed] Issue causing temporary bans to be applied globally.
  • [Added] Lobby status and ping information for ArmA servers.
  • [Added] Ability for server admins to change their IP/game port/query port. The ip/ports must not belong to a server that has been in our system for more than three days. Before updating our records we will confirm that the server responds to query and RCON connections.


  • [Fixed] Issue causing ARK activity to not load under certain conditions.


  • [Fixed] Issue causing the RCON server page to not align properly at widths between 830px and 1030px.

  • [Changed] Updates are now delayed until no updates have been received for 100ms, or until 500ms has passed.

    This should greatly improve performance when there are many updates in a short period of time. For example: A large server restarting causing many players to join/leave.

  • [Changed] The Activity component will now only render 200 lines at a time. When scrolling lines are removed when you scroll past them and new lines are rendered 100px ahead of your location.

    At 5k+ lines rendering is delayed until you stop scrolling.

  • [Fixed] A bug in the Activity component that could lead to lines being duplicated client side when loading older lines.

  • [Added] Option to update your nickname on the Account page. Updating your nickname will not change old activity records.


  • [Changed] Server with RCON enabled failing to respond to a query will no longer clear the player list.
  • [Fixed] When adding a ban on an ARK server the player should get kicked now.
  • [Fixed] Filter options not updating right away when clicked.


  • [Changed] Dashboard colors should more closely match the individual server pages. This adds the border around chat lines that is present on other pages.
  • [Changed] Edit and create ban permissions. The two have been combined and now have an option to limit ban duration. Users will be unable to edit bans that have a ban duration longer then they are allowed to issue.
  • [Added] Unban button. Updates the current ban to expire immediately. The ban will still be listed under bans and on the player's profile unlike when deleting a ban. Can be useful for tracking past bans on a player. Only requires the edit ban permission.
  • [Changed] After saving a ban you are now redirected back to the ban list.
  • [Added] Ban actions (add, edit, delete) now show up in activity log.
  • [Added] Locale options to account page
  • [Changed] Activity Log component should now perform fewer (hopefully none) unnecessary updates. Should slightly improve performance on dashboard, server, activity, and player profile update pages.
  • [Fixed] Organization level ban exports.


  • [Added] Option to export bans. Currently allows ArmA, Ark, and JSON formats.
  • [Changed] After adding a ban you will now be redirected to the ban list. The player banned notification is now shown on the ban list along with a link to edit the ban.
  • [Fixed] Issue causing bans to not display when not filtered for some users.


  • [Changed] Player RCON profiles will now only allow a max of one GUID or Steam ID per profile. This should eliminate profiles with many GUIDs for common names.

    Players will only be matched on name if there is no GUID or Steam ID associated with that player.

  • [Added] Broadcast input to top of the dashboard. It will send a message to every server that is online and that you have chat permissions for.

  • [Fixed] Issue importing temporary bans. In the case of two bans having the same ip/steamID/GUID and the same reason the longest ban duration will be used.

  • [Fixed] Player commands would go behind other servers on the dashboard.


  • [Fixed] Issue causing bans to not load.
  • [Changed] Activity Log will now only show relevant filters.
  • [Fixed] Issue with Chrome v50 not centering some pages.
  • [Fixed] Public player pages not loading all servers after viewing RCON profile.


  • [Added] This changelog and version information to the RCON dashboard.

  • [Added] Option to view admin activity. You can view admin activity under the activity page. You can filter by individual admins, all admin actions (everything we can detect, auto kicks, automated messages, etc.), or only admin actions performed on BattleMetrics. Links were also added on the organization edit/view page to view admin activity.

    All organization users can view and search activity, but the ability to view a list of admins and filter to those admins is limited to users with the "View Organization" permission.

  • [Added] Titled all RCON pages.

  • [Fixed] Player pages will now properly use the last seen player name.

  • [Changed] The RCON player profile page only shows your RCON servers. In addition the list of servers was moved to the bottom of the page.

  • [Changed] RCON Player profiles: information on the left hand side can now be collapsed.

  • [Added] Player actions (kick, message, etc.) are now available from the dashboard.

  • [Fixed] Fixed issue causing the player log to show all but one player.

  • [Changed] When accessing the player log from RCON you will remain in the RCON server layout.


  • [Added] Global player search
  • [Changed] Stay in RCON server layout when clicking on Activity
  • [Added] Live ban updates. Note: If two users are editing the same ban at the same time and one of them saves the other will see their changes replaced with the other users updates.
  • [Fixed] Issue causing new bans to always be saved as permanent.