[GER] Λ • TAURUS #1 | Wir rekrutieren! | discord.gg/taurus
- Rank
- #214
- Player count
- 93/100
- Address
- (Game Port) (Query Port) - Status
- online
- Distance
- 6551 km
- Country
- Uptime
D i O x I s joined the game
Deathwatch joined the game
Dariox left the game
Schniedel McWutz left the game
Bomber left the game
Server responded to query
Typus joined the game
Günther der Gauner joined the game
Tonylc321 joined the game
Robert joined the game
Rypex left the game
Λρ • derbunde left the game
MajorKugel! left the game
Server responded to query
Alkoholix joined the game
Gordo joined the game
Adar joined the game
Fischkot joined the game
Kosename joined the game
NowUAreDead left the game
Leon left the game
Mannbärschwein left the game
CoRe | WeizenBierchen left the game
Al_mascapone left the game
Der Handwerker left the game
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